News & Events

Ginikachukwu Amaeze of Dallas, Alexandria Criner of Douglasville, Sade Kangas of Douglasville, Osose...
Fulton County resident takes advantage of GreyStone Connect’s all-fiber service, gaining access to g...
GreyStone Power will be offering scholarships for students going to lineman school. Four $5,000 scho...
As we get closer to launching GreyStone Connect, our broadband subsidiary, we were excited to receiv...

Avoid utility scams

BEWARE! Scammers are at it again. A couple of members were recently contacted and told to make a pay...
GreyStone Power honored its veterans with an annual military service recognition breakfast for GreyS...
Due to GreyStone Power’s strong financial condition, the co-op is returning $12 million to current a...
GreyStone Power invites its members to the 86th Annual Meeting of Members for fun activities, musica...