It is a program that will allow our residential members, who care about reducing their environmental impact, an affordable way to meet some of their electricity needs from a large solar facility that GreyStone's solar porfolio, including a large solar facility that GreyStone has built, manages, and maintain in Paulding County. The program makes the benefits of clean, green solar power more widely available to GreyStone residential members at a reasonable price compared to the purchase of a home rooftop or yard solar system.

  • No contract needed
  • Ability to cancel participation in the program at any time with a phone call to GreyStone
  • Economies of scale bring costs down by installing a larger facility, maintained for optimum power generation
  • No maintenance or replacement costs on your part
  • No holes in your roof
  • No initial roof replacement worries
  • No future roof replacement worries (when roof is replaced, solar panels will be displaced)
  • No solar panel location issues (roof direction, shading, etc.)
  • No long term financing, initial costs, or lease agreements/commitments
  • Renters are eligible to participate, including apartment dwellers
  • No Home Owner Association restrictions to worry about
  • No increased property taxes from the value added to your property
  • No issues when trying to sell home with solar additions
  • Only one (1) house in four (4) is a good candidate for rooftop solar

If the account is in your name, and you are a residential homeowner, renter, or apartment dweller, you can sign up to purchase one or two blocks of solar power. Commercial, Prepaid, and existing rooftop solar accounts are not eligible at this time.

All solar generation feeds into the power grid. From there, a mix of power generated from many sources electrifies your home, there is no way to distinguish solar power from power generated elsewhere once it goes onto the grid. 

Yes, but only if the residential electric service is in your name. Homeowners, renters, and apartment dwellers are eligible. But, only two blocks per member.

Your cost will be $22 per block of solar power monthly and you may purchase one or two blocks. This cost will appear on your monthly electric bill. In return, you will receive solar credit each month from your block(s) based on the solar electricity generation produced from the equivalent of 5.7 solar panels per block for each month.

You can expect to receive a credit on your monthly electric bill of between 160 and 280 kilowatt hours, understanding that the time of year, weather, sun hours, and other conditions will determine the monthly solar credit.

You will be billed an additional $22 per month for each purchased block on your electric bill.  The kilowatt-hours produced by your block(s) in each calendar month will offset the same number of kilowatt-hours on your bill. If your block(s) produces more kilowatt-hours than you use during your billing period, you will receive a credit for the excess energy.

Ex:Your bill shows usage of 1200 kWh

Your solar credit for the month was 250 kWh

You will be billed for 950 kWh for the month

cooperative solar


The program is not designed to reduce electric bills as solar power is more expensive to generate than standard electric power, but the additional cost should be minimal. There is no federal tax credit for participants using this program.

Understanding that initial projections are based on time of year, weather, sun hours, and other conditions, predicting the additional is difficult. However, estimates are that over a period of one year, your solar credits will off-set the majority of your cost. 

There is no contract. You can discontinue your solar energy commitment at any time by talking with a GreyStone Member Services Representative either by phone or in person. If you decide to dicontinue your participation, and at a later time you decide to re-enroll, after a one year waiting period you will be placed on a reservation list based on availability of blocks.

You will receive a welcome letter from GreyStone informing you that you have been enrolled and when you expect your block(s) billing and solar electric generation to begin.

Yes, if you are moving to another location that is served by GreyStone.

If pricing changes take place, you will be informed at least 30 days in advance. Since you are not obligated to a contract, you will always have the option to discontinue your participation by simply calling GreyStone.

*Your actual solar credit results will vary depending on factors such as weather, usage and the month of the year.