Green Power EMC is a not-for-profit cooperative founded in August 2001 by 16 cooperatives, including GreyStone, to support and provide energy generated by renewable resources. Green Power EMC seeks to find, screen, analyze and negotiate power purchase agreements with Georgia-based renewable resource providers. Green Power EMC was the first green power program in the state with green power resources online and operational in October 2003.
Green Power EMC utilizes “green” resources such as biomass, solar, wind, and water to generate electricity.
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If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, visit Green Power EMC to learn more about how we and other electric cooperatives across Georgia are working hard to produce cleaner, greener energy in Georgia.
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GreyStone Power’s green Power Program is Green-e Energy certified, and meets the enviromental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at
Green power is electricity generated from renewable resources that are more environmentally friendly than some traditional power sources. As a member of Green Power EMC, GreyStone Power Corporation utilizes electricity generated from biomass; specifically methane gas reclaimed from the Taylor County and Roberts Road landfills, as well as, forestry by-products used as fuel at the Rabun Gap Wood Waste Facility . Other examples include our solar field on Ridge Road in Paulding County.
Landfill gas comes from the natural breakdown of wastes at the landfill site. The gas is collected and used to generate electricity. Typically the gas is wasted; in most landfills it’s just burned off to prevent explosions. The Rabun Gap biomass facility uses forestry by-products, which includes limbs, tops, bark and other unusable portions of trees.
Click here for carbon equivalency calculations.
GreyStone Power’s Green Power program is certified by Green-e Energy.