Welcome to the GreyStone Power Storm Center! Here you’ll find a wealth of information on preparing for a storm, generator safety and general weather information. 


For details on current outages and updates on power restoration efforts please click here.


GreyStone members who experience an outage can text OUT to 81492. For those members who opted out of outage texting but would like to re-enroll, text ENROLL to 81492 to sign up. 

For GreyStone's texting privacy policy click here and for the terms and conditions click here. Message and data rates may apply. For members who wish to opt-out of our texting service, text STOP to 81492 to opt-out. 

Members can also visit our outage reporting system by clicking here to report an outage or call 1-866-GREYSTONE (473-9786), or download our GreyStone Power app. Crews are on call 24 hours a day to restore power.

CONTACT US: 1-866-GREYSTONE (473-9786), 770-942-6576 or MemberServices@greystonepower.com.

TIPS ON HOW TO WEATHER THE STORM: First, open the freezer door as little as possible. According to the CDC, if the doors stay closed, food will stay safe up to: four hours in a refrigerator, 48 hours in a full freezer and 24 hours in a half-full freezer. Discard any perishable food, including meat, poultry and seafood, that has been above 40 degrees Fahrenheit for more than two hours. Should the power stay off for several days, dry ice can preserve the food in the freezer. If you have a picnic cooler, and time to make ice in your own refrigerator, fill the cooler before the storm hits. Fill up any type of container (bowls, bottles, etc.) with water and place them in freezers. Ice will help keep food frozen longer if power is lost. Transfer some of this ice to the unfrozen refrigerator compartment to help keep this area cool for a longer period of time.

GENERATOR USE: If you lose power, take the proper precautions when using a generator. Place the generator outside the home as carbon monoxide fumes are odorless and can quickly overwhelm you indoors. Also, never connect generators to another power source such as power lines. The reverse flow of electricity or ‘backfeed’ can electrocute an unsuspecting utility worker. Members who are interested in a home generator can learn more here.

BE CAUTIOUS: During high winds, electric lines can be torn down by limbs and trees. Any dangling line or lines on the ground can be deadly. All downed lines should be considered live. Call GreyStone’s office at 1-866-GREYSTONE (473-9786) to report a downed line, outage or any hazardous situation. GreyStone crews will be on the job 24 hours a day. Please do NOT report outages on Facebook.


  • Snow, sleet, ice, or thunderstorms sometimes make electric outages unavoidable. To minimize inconvenience, discomfort and danger, prepare ahead for the possibility of severe weather.
  • If you have access to a computer, visit GreyStone’s outage status page to see where outages are or to report an outage.
  • If you use a generator, follow instructions closely to avoid backfeeds that can hurt lineworkers. Never run a generator in an enclosed area, where carbon monoxide could collect. Visit our safety page to learn more.
  • Create an emergency kit with a battery-powered radio, battery-powered clock, manual can opener, flashlights, candles, extra batteries, matches, a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, bottled water and non-perishable food. Remember that flashlights are safer to use than candles.
  • If your home has a fireplace or wood stove, keep a good supply of wood on hand. When you hear that a storm is approaching, make sure that a few days’ worth of wood is stored in a protected area so it won’t be wet when you need to burn it.
  • If you have extra heaters that use kerosene or another fuel, make sure you have adequate supplies of fuel available. Use fuel-burning heaters only in a well-ventilated area. Never burn charcoal indoors! The fumes are noxious. Always store fuel in a cool, dry place—not in your home.
  • Don’t toss out old, worn blankets or quilts. Keep them stored for emergencies. They not only help you stay warm, but can be used to cover doors, windows and other sources of cold-air leaks during an outage.
  • If you have a well, fill up bathtubs with water to be used for flushing toilets and other uses.
  • If you cook on an outdoor grill, move it at least three feet away from the house. Never use a charcoal or gas grill indoors—both can emit carbon monoxide.
  • Avoid opening your refrigerator or freezer during a power outage. According to the CDC, if the doors stay closed, food will stay safe up to: four hours in a refrigerator, 48 hours in a full freezer and 24 hours in a half-full freezer. If the power has been out for four hours, and a cooler and ice are available, put refrigerated perishable foods in the cooler. To keep them at 40°F or below, add ice or a cold source like frozen gel packs.
  • If someone in your family needs electronic medical equipment, make sure you have an alternative power supply before the storm hits.
  • To keep pipes from freezing in a cold house, turn on faucets, keeping them dripping.
  • Unplug appliances with sophisticated electronics such as DVRs, DVD and BluRay players, televisions, computers and microwave ovens so they aren’t damaged by a surge when the power comes back on. Leave one light on so you’ll know when power is restored, and then gradually reconnect your remaining appliances to avoid overloading the circuits.
  • After the storm, replace used batteries in your emergency kit and restock food and water to be prepared for the next storm.


A. GreyStone will work around the clock until service is restored, though daylight hours are needed for some activities. Safety of personnel and the public will remain our highest priority. The priorities are:

  • Assessing the overall system and repairing power plants, major lines and substations that carry power from plants to communities.
  • Restoring power to key services essential to community safety, health and welfare – such as hospitals, police, fire, communications and water, sanitary and transportation providers.
  • Making repairs to electrical facilities that will return service to the largest number and so on until power is returned to everyone.

 A. One of the benefits of our automated meter reading system and its new smart meters is the ability to immediately know where outages are and how widespread they are. The system helps us make an initial damage assessment, and we also use other computer generated reports, telephone and website reports. These initial observations help us understand the repairs that may need to be made to key facilities like transmission lines, substations and main power lines before we can begin the restoration process for members. After the initial assessment, we dispatch patrol teams to conduct neighborhood-by-neighborhood assessments. These teams report electrical equipment damage and what repairs may be needed.

A. One of our top priorities will be to remove trees and debris that have damaged electrical equipment and are preventing service restoration. Members should not attempt to remove or trim foliage within 10 feet of a power line. If a tree or tree limbs have fallen on a power line or pulled it down, do not attempt to get close to the line. All lines down should be considered live and extremely dangerous. Call GreyStone at 1-866-GREYSTONE, or 770-942-6576 and report it. Safety is always our first priority.

A. If you see a GreyStone crew passing but not stopping, it may be because work at a nearby location must be performed before electric service can be restored to you and your neighbors, or they may be searching for the outage cause.

 A. Fuses or circuit breakers in your home could have tripped and halted power, tree limbs could have fallen on the line serving your home, fuses on the transformer that serves your home may have tripped or could be damaged, and the primary line feeding the transformer could be damaged.

A. You could have a tripped circuit breaker, a blown fuse or a broken connector or wire at one of the service leads to your house. Sometimes damage to these leads leaves only the 120-volt outlets (or some of them) working. In this case, larger appliances that need 240-volt service such as water heaters, air conditioning and ovens may be inoperable until repairs are made. It is safe to use the outlets you have available, while you check with an electrician.

A. GreyStone personnel will be inspecting service lines and will determine if an electrician is required to fix the damage or if GreyStone can make repairs. Piping that houses wires attached to the side of your home or business is considered part of the house wiring and can only be worked on by a licensed electrician.

A. Turn off the machinery immediately and call GreyStone. A technician will determine whether electric power phases were connected properly.

A. Once service is restored, we make every effort to keep it on; however, as we repair other parts of our system, some interruptions may occur.

A. Overhead lines are exposed to high winds and flying debris. Underground facilities can be subject to flooding. Repair and replacement time is about the same for equipment with similar functions. Repairs may take longer if an underground fault needs to be located and repaired.

A. Restoration will depend in part on how wide an area is significantly impacted. GreyStone’s service territory covers eight counties and over 6,400 miles of line. If large steel transmission lines are damaged it can take weeks to repair. Resetting poles is the most time-consuming restoration process.

A. No!  GreyStone does not give preferential treatment. It is contrary to storm restoration plan and company policy to single out any individual for priority electric service restoration. Work is not assigned according to when members report their outage, where they live or the status of their account.