Outage update - 2 p.m.

The numbers continue to decrease as we now sit at just over 3,500 members awaiting restoration. The bulk of the outages are in a couple of areas of Paulding County. Here's a glimpse  of what crews are doing in the Hwy. 61/278 area. Remember, when you see a utility crew working, don't forget to slow down, MOVE OVER and change lanes for the protection of the workers, and oh, it's the law. 


If you have a line down on your property or road due to a fallen tree. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CUT THE TREE YOURSELF. You do not know if the line is energized or not. Our crews will clear the debris from the line within the right-of-way. After we have finished and power is restored, you will be clear to clear the debris.

If a crew is working in your area, please DO NOT ENTER THE WORK ZONE. We appreciate the well wishes and understand the questions about restoration time, however entering a work zone is not safe for our members and it also slows down the restoration progress. We appreciate you and want you safe with power. 🙂